You have to become zzzzennnnn about it.
Okay, so I can zen it for awhile if I can avoid it. I can zen it when I am drinking my morning coffee and listening to Morning Edition. I can zen it while I am involved in my work and while I am cooking. I can zen it until I have to talk to it, and hold it, and try to look at it with compassion and understanding. I can zen it when I am not taking it personally. When I act like a man and stuff it, I can zen it.
When I put it in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator and leave it there until it rots, I can be very very zen. Then I take it out to the garden and dig it into the soil around an ailing plant, and it is there on my knees that I pray for a heart changed and a perspective changed, for, if you will, true zen.
I pray for the same thing. I trust that it will happen. I also pray that heartsickness can be healed, and anger, and resentment, no matter whom they Inflict. I pray for peace, and clarity, and for putting others before ourselves. Love to you, dear Ann.